5.4. ALARMS uSDM100, uSDM102, SDM300, SDM500, SDM700, VMU900
Alarm Settings
If "Alarm Messages Autoreset" is set to YES: The alarm messages disappear when the alarm conditions are no longer met.
If "Alarm Messages Autoreset" is set to NO: The driver has to acknowledge the alarms by pressing the BACK button for the alarm messages to disappear after the conditions are no longer met.
The "Alarm Message Min Show Time s" setting is used to add persistence to the alarm messages. Ex. if set to 5 then all messages will disappear 5 seconds after the alarm conditions become false. It is used to ensure that the driver sees the message even when the actual alarm duration is small like a short Oil Pressure drop.
For normal behavior to only show messages when the alarm conditions are active set to 1.
If set to 0, a special mode is enabled. In this mode no messages appear but the alarms are still logged in the back ground. If the internal channels ALARM1 and ALARMS2 are enabled then alarm FLAGS can be configured on the display pages and they will indicate the alarm status.
This setting has no effect when the "Alarm Messages Autoreset" is set to NO.
When alarms are active and shown the driver has the ability to push them to the background by pressing the BACK button 4 times quickly.
Each time this action is performed a single alarm(the top of the list) is pushed to the background. If there are multiple alarms active the driver has to perform the action as many times to push all messages to the background.
If alarms in the background are still active the alarm led will be ON indicating the condition.
The driver can recall all alarms from the background using the same action.
If alarms are still active and the "Alarm Message Reappear Time" has passed then the alarms will automatically be brought forward.
Built in alarms set and reset conditions
Engine Running condition: the engine rpm (channel with RPM function) has been above 500 for 2 seconds. It resets every time rpm goes bellow 400.
Boost alarm
Set when the channel assigned with the MAP function exceeds the set threshold.
Reset when the channel assigned with the MAP function goes bellow the set threshold AND engine rpm(channel with RPM function) goes bellow 2000.
Oil Pressure alarm
Set when the channel assigned with the OIL PRES function goes bellow the threshold.
Reset when the channel assigned with the OIL PRES function exceeds the threshold.
The threshold is calculated with interpolation from the alarm oil pressure limit vs rpm values.
The Engine Running condition has to be met for the alarm to be set.
Fuel Pressure alarm
Set when the channel assigned with the FUEL PRES function goes bellow the threshold.
Reset when the channel assigned with the FUEL PRES function exceeds the threshold.
The Engine Running condition has to be met for the alarm to be set.
It is recommended that the FUEL PRES function is assigned to the differential fuel pressure channel. If this channel is not available it can be created using a math channel.
Lambda alarm
Set when the channel assigned with the LAMBDA function exceeds the threshold for the Min Time.
Reset when the channel assigned with the LAMBDA function goes bellow the threshold.
The threshold is calculated with interpolation from the lambda limit vs rpm values.
The Engine Running condition has to be met for the alarm to be set.
The Min Map threshold has to be met. The value is compared with the channel that has the MAP function attached. To ignore this condition enter a large negative value ex. -1000.
The Min TPS threshold has to be met. The value is compared with the channel that has the TPS function attached. To ignore this condition enter a negative value ex. -1.
The Min Time ms condition has to be met. Use a value between 400ms and 1000ms to suppress alarms from short lambda spikes due to misfires or during rapid acceleration.
Knock alarm
Set when the channel assigned with the KNOCK LEVEL function exceeds the threshold.
Set when the channel assigned with the KNOCK COUNT function exceeds the threshold.
Reset when both the KNOCK LEVEL and KNOCK COUNT go bellow the threshold.
Water Pressure alarm
Set when the channel assigned with the WATER PRES function goes bellow the threshold.
Reset when the channel assigned with the WATER PRES function exceeds the threshold.
The Engine Running condition has to be met for the alarm to be set.
EGT alarm
Set when the channel assigned with the EGT function exceeds the threshold for the Min Time.
Reset when the channel assigned with the EGT function goes bellow the threshold.
Water Temp alarm
Set when the channel assigned with the WATER TEMP function exceeds the threshold for the Min Time.
Reset when the channel assigned with the WATER TEMP function goes bellow the threshold.
The Engine Running condition has to be met for the alarm to be set.
Oil Temp alarm
Set when the channel assigned with the OIL TEMP function exceeds the threshold for the Min Time.
Reset when the channel assigned with the OIL TEMP function goes bellow the threshold.
Crankcase Pressure alarm
Set when the channel assigned with the CRANKCASE PRES function exceeds the threshold.
Reset when the channel assigned with the CRANKCASE PRES function goes bellow the threshold.
The Engine Running condition has to be met for the alarm to be set.
Air Temp alarm
Set when the channel assigned with the AIR TEMP function exceeds the threshold.
Reset when the channel assigned with the AIR TEMP function goes bellow the threshold.
Fuel Temp alarm
Set when the channel assigned with the FUEL TEMP function exceeds the threshold for the Min Time.
Reset when the channel assigned with the FUEL TEMP function goes bellow the threshold.
Battery Voltage alarm
Set when the channel assigned with the BATTERY VOLT function goes bellow the threshold.
Reset when the channel assigned with the BATTERY VOLT function exceeds the threshold.
The Engine Running condition has to be met for the alarm to be set.
The engine RPM must be above 1200 for the alarm to be set.
Injector Duty alarm
Set when the channel assigned with the INJECTOR DUTY function exceeds the threshold.
Reset when the channel assigned with the INJECTOR DUTY function goes bellow the threshold.
Ecu Sensor Alarm
Set when any of the channels assigned with the SENSOR FAULTx functions has a value above 0.
Reset when all of the channels assigned with the SENSOR FAULTx functions have a value of 0.
Fuel Level alarm
Set when the channel assigned with the FUEL LEVEL function goes bellow the threshold.
Reset when the channel assigned with the FUEL LEVEL function exceeds the threshold.
Ecu Temp alarm
Set when the channel assigned with the ECU TEMP function exceeds the threshold.
Reset when the channel assigned with the ECU TEMP function goes bellow the threshold.
Gearbox Temp alarm
Set when the channel assigned with the GEAR TEMP function exceeds the threshold.
Reset when the channel assigned with the GEAR TEMP function goes bellow the threshold.
Differential Temp alarm
Set when the channel assigned with the DIFF TEMP function exceeds the threshold.
Reset when the channel assigned with the DIFF TEMP function goes bellow the threshold.
Tire Pressure alarm
Set when any of the channels assigned with the xx TIRE PRES functions goes bellow the threshold.
Reset when all of the channels assigned with the xx TIRE PRES functions exceeds the threshold.
Tire Temp alarm
Set when any of the channels assigned with the xx TIRE TEMP functions exceeds the threshold.
Reset when all of the channels assigned with the xx TIRE PRES functions goes bellow the threshold.
Wheel Speed Spin/Lock Alarm
Required functions for compare source: Ground Speed or Drive Speed or 4 corner speeds depending on the 'Reference Speed Source' Setting.
Required functions for corner wheel speeds: FL Speed, FR Speed, RL Speed, RR Speed
All speed channels must use the same internal units.
The 'Low' setting value of the compare source channel is used as a minimum speed threshold for the alarm.
Example using the GPS Speed as a compare source:
![]() ![]() The SPIN alarm wheel be active when any of the 4 corner speeds are more that 10% higher than the reference(GPS) speed.
The LOCK alarm wheel be active when any of the 4 corner speeds are more that 10% lowrs than the reference(GPS) speed.
The SPIN/LOCK alarms will only be active above 20kph.