  • How to?
  • Change pages with a multi position rotary switch

Change pages with a multi position rotary switch

A multi-position rotary switch with variable resistance can be used to control the which page is displayed on the dash.
Connect one wire from the switch to an analog input that has a pull up resistor option.
Connect the other wire from the switch to sensor ground.
Configure the analog input so that the pull up resistor option is enabled and it outputs a mV value matching the input mV.
Configure a display page to show the analog input value.
Move the switch through all positions and note down the input mV values.
You should come up with a table like the following (an example with only 6 positions is shown):
1     200mV
2     450mV
3     600mV
4     950mV
5     1400mV
6     1900mV
Create a table with 3 mV values per position so that each position is detected within a suitable mV range:
1     150mV
1     200mV
1     250mV
2     400mV
2     450mV
2     500mV
3     550mV
3     600mV
3     650mV
4     900mV
4     950mV
4     1000mV
5     1350mV
5     1400mV
5     1450mV
6     1850mV
6     1900mV
6     1950mV
Before inputting the values in the analog input calibration table change the internal units to COUNT x1 and display units to 0.
Set the analog input function to PAGE SELECTION