4.2.2. Configuration Shortcuts Keyboard Shortcuts:
N: New data item
F: New flag item, cursor must be place on a already existing bitfield item
E: Edit current item
C: Clone current item
When first launching the Custom CanBus Rx protocol setup window the selection mode is set to SINGLE
Pressing the F8 key switches between the SINGLE ROW and MULTI CELL selection modes.
The MULTI CELL selection mode can be used to edit on parameter from many items at the same time. For
example changing the ID of multiple items.
It can also be used to delete multiple items at once.
Press F8 to switch to MULTI CELL selection mode.
Select desired values of multiple items.
![]() Click the "EDIT" button or press 'E'.
Enter desired value in the pop up window.
Press "ENTER"
If the value entered was valid then it will be applied to all selected items and the protocol list will be re sorted.
![]() This editing method can be used on the following columns: ID hex, START, LENGTH, ENDIAN, MASK,
The selection must contain cells from a single column only.
For flag items to be valid there must be a bitfield item defined that has the same ID, START and LENGTH
properties. When using the MULTI CELL editing functions care must be taken to ensure that this condition is
When initially building a protocol it is recommended to start from the lowest ID and START and build the
protocol sequentially. When clicking the 'NEW Data' button or pressing 'N" the new data item takes ID,
START and LENGTH properties directly after the last item on the protocol list.
This way in most cases less data input is required.
Ex. IF the last item on the list has id 0x301, START 6 and LENGTH 2 then the new item will have id 0x302,
DBC File Import Function:
This function provide a basic input for can bus protocols defined in a DBC file (Vector).
The funtion will automatically apply the information retrieved from the DBC file on the following fields: LABEL,
The user must configure the MASK if required and the Multiplier, Divisor, Offset, Internal Units and Display
Units fields.
The data for the signal as defined in the DBC file will be displayed on the top of the Can Bus Item
configuration window.
To add the items to the list click the "OK" button.
To skip the current item press the 'N' key.
To stop the import procedure click the 'X' at the top right corner of the window.