Lap Timing using the internal GPS as a position/time source.
Device Configuration Setup Requirements:
Functions Setup \ LAP TIMING \ Timing Source = GPS.
Functions Setup \ LAP TIMING \ Reset Laps on = POWERUP. If this setting is set to NEVER the device will stop counting laps after LAP 120. In that case the laps have to be reset in the Lap Timing Page.
The internal channel "LAP" must be enabled and the function "Lap Count" assigned to it.
The internal channel "LAP t" must be enabled and the function "Current Lap Time" assigned to it.
The internal channel "GPS Speed" must be enabled and the function "Ground Speed" assigned to it.
It is recommended that the internal channels GPS Longitude, GPS Latitude, GPS Bearing, GPS Sats, GPS Fix,ACC Long and ACC Lat are also enable for track mapping and analysis of the log files.
Setting the Start-line:
The track start point can be defined in 3 ways:
In the device setup menu by setting the Set Start Line Here to YES. (It is only allowed if a GPS signal fix has been achieved.)
In the LAP TIMING PAGE by pressing and holding the ENTER button. (It is only allowed if a GPS signal fix has been achieved.)
Initially the device will be in READY mode and it will display the distance from the start line(km) in the Lap Timing page.
When the vehicle starts moving and the speed exceeds 0.3kph the lap timing will start. Timing is only allowed to start if the vehicle distance from the start line is less than 150m.
If the vehicle stops while still being within 150m from the start line, and the vehicle has not driven more than 200m since timing started then timing will reset and go back to READY mode displaying the distance from the start line.
The lap counter increments every time the vehicle crosses the start line. The start line is a line perpendicular to the direction of travel of the vehicle with a center defined by the start point GPS coordinates.
The vehicle must drive a minimum distance of 300m before the device try to detect the next start line crossing.
Lap timing will only stop if the lap counter reaches the maximum number of laps which is 120.
The user can manually stop/reset the system and zero the lap times by pressing and holding the back button in the Lap Timing page. ALL PREVIOUS DATA WILL BE LOST!
Lap time monitoring options:
1. Set the dash to display the Lap Timing page.
2. Set the "New Lap Display Mode" setting to POP-UP. Set the ""New Lap Display Time s" setting to the preferred time.
A window with the latest completed lap information will become visible at the top part of the screen every time a new lap is registered and will remain visible for the set time.
This window will be shown over any display page.
In the New Lap POP-UP Display the value that is shown on the top right is the lap delta between the last 2 completed laps
3. Set the "New Lap Display Mode" setting to LAP TIMING PAGE. Set the ""New Lap Display Time s" setting to the preferred time.
When a new lap is registered the display page will change to the Lap Timing page for the set time. It will then revert to the previous page.
In the New LAP TIMING PAGE Lap times list the value that is shown on the right is the lap delta between that lap and the best lap.
Lap Timing Page Controls:
ENTER Press: Switch between normal and lap review modes. In lap review mode you can scroll to access all the saved laps.
BACK Press: Exit lap review mode.
UP/DOWN SCROLL: When in lap review mode will scroll the list of lap times.
ENTER Long Press: Reset laps and set start line here. It is only allowed if a GPS signal fix has been achieved.