Receiving commands from the SDM - S6GP

S6GP Setup:
To be able to control the Syvecs calibration switch position you need to adjust the following settings:
  • to YES.
  • to 2000.
  •  IO Configuration\ Pin Assignments\ Cal Down to NOT CONNECTED
  •  IO Configuration\ Pin Assignments\ Cal Up to NOT CONNECTED
  •  IO Configuration\ Pin Assignments\ Calibration Switch to NOT CONNECTED
  • Make sure that the calSelect channel is received by the SDM and assign the ECU CALIBRATION function to it.
  • Add the "Ecu Control" page in your Pages configuration.
  • Click on the page preview to display the settings and on the first setting select Ecu Type:S6GP/S6+.
  • Ignore the rest of the settings.
  • Write the device configuration.
  • When viewing the Ecu Control page on the dashboard, use the ENTER button to select the knob and the UP/DOWN buttons or joystic to change the value.
  • Use the ENTER or BACK buttons to deselect the knob and allow navigation to other pages.