The SDM-500 GPS model functions as full blown performance meter utilising the internal gps and accelerometer modules to measure the acceleration performance of the vehicle.
This functionality is always enabled and the user does not have to perform any function to start it or stop it.
As soon as the vehicle is stationary the meter goes into ready mode.
When the vehicle starts moving it begins timing.
If the distance covered exceeds 2km or the time from start exceeds 120sec or the vehicle stops the measurement function is finished.
The data is only saved if during the run the vehicle speed exceeded 100kph.
The last 10 runs are always available in memory.
The user can view the measurements in real time or review the results from the 10 runs in the "Performance" page.
The 10 recorded measurements can also be reviewed using the Plex Device Manager software.
This function is independent from the data logging. It is up to the user to setup logging to be active during the performance measurement if he so wishes.
SDM500, SDM500GPS, SDM700, VMU900
Engine Power and Torque measurement
The devices use the vehicle weight as set in the Functions Setup, the ground speed channel, the longitudinal acceleration channel and the rpm channel to calculate the engine power and torque.
For the calculations to produce realistic values the following conditions must apply:
The device has to be mounted so that the longitudinal acceleration value at rest is close to 0.
The acceleration runs must be done on a level road.
The tires and clutch must not slip during the measurement.