
uSDM100/102, SDM 300/500, SDM700, VMU900


IMPORTANT: The S6+ is not supported by the Plex version of the SDM300/500. Only the Syvecs edition SDM300/500 devices are capable of the 1.333Mbit can bus speed that the S6+ requires.


Generic applications: S6GP, S6+, S8

In these applications the Syvecs can bus datastream can be freely configured to transmit all desired channels.
A custom can bus configuration to match the Syvecs datastream can easily be built in the Plex Device Manager software.
For a quick setup select the Plex Device Manager/Device Configuration/CAN1: Syvecs Plex template.
Download one of the following file and use it as a PasteCal in the Scal software to import the datastream settings.

Plug in Syvecs kits: S6GP, S6+, S8 in Syvecs (ex GTR, 911,BMW E92 etc)

In these application the Syvecs can bus datastream should NOT be modified.
You can either select the matching can bus template from the drop down list or set the can mode to custom and Open the matching Plex Can Configuration file.