There are 3 ways to detect gear position:
a. From the Gear Position channel transmitted by the ECU:
To use this method set Gear Detection Source to ECU.
The data channel received from the ECU that contains the Gear Position value has to be assigned the Function "Gear".
The device expects expects the following values: -1 for REVERSE, 0 for NEUTRAL, 1 for 1st gear, 2 for 2nd gear etc.
The data channel mask and offset have to be used sometimes to convert the ecu values to the expected format.
Gear Reverse Source should be set to ECU/Calculated.
b. From rpm and vehicle speed data channels:
To use this method set Gear Detection Source to Rpm/Speed Ratio.
Engine RPM and Drive Speed must be available data channels and their respective functions set to "Rpm" and "Drive Speed".
The ratio values for each gear has to be set in corresponding Gear Ratio xxx setting.
On the SDM300/500 the real time ratio value is displayed inside parenthesis right next to each ratio setting in the Functions Setup page.
On the uSDM100/102 the real time ratio value is displayed in the Diagnosis page.
In the SDM300/500 only you can set the ratio value manually or it can be done automatically for each gear by holding the "ENTER" button down for a few seconds.
In this mode the REVERSE gear can be detected from the status of a digital input by setting the Gear Reverse Source to appropriate digital input.
c. From the gearbox potentiometer output:
To use this method set Gear Detection Source to Gear Voltage.
There are 2 options for Gear Voltage to match the actual gear order in the gearbox: R-N-1-2-3-4-5-6-7 and 1-N-2-3-4-5-6-7.
The output of the gearbox potentiometer should be connected to an enabled Analog Input and its function set to "Gear Volts".
The calibration of the Analog Inputs should be set to a 1:1 with the mV input.
On the SDM300/500 the real time gearbox potentiometer value is displayed inside parenthesis right next to each ratio setting in the Functions Setup page.
You can set the value manually or it can be done automatically for each gear by holding the "ENTER" button down for a few seconds.
Gear Reverse Source can be set ECU/Calculated or to an appropriately connected and configured Digital Input.